
Sons And Daughters

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If you only started following rock bands recently, you are undoubtedly unware of the existence of the Sons and Daughters band. Well, it is because they have ceased to exist leaving behind a string of heartbroken fans in the wake of their dissolution. Even though their members are still alive, the band saw off the music industry in 2012.
September 2018
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TV shows

Sons and Daughters existed at a very interesting time in the entertainment history, and on the same line, they had chosen a name that looks simple..
October 2017
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Past Events

Sons and Daughters never held anything back and it was all for the love of the game, to rock lovers, especially those who had a chance of attending..
October 2017
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Album Listings

Eleven years was a short stint to the fans of sons and daughters; why I say so is based on the potential they exhibited. But at least they left great works behind, and now heartbroken fans. Here,
October 2017
Start to End // Love the Cup
  1. Start to End // Love the Cup
  2. Blood // Love the Cup
  3. Johnny Cash // Love the Cup
  4. Broken Bones // Love the Cup
  5. Fight // Love the Cup